Worked hard for his community


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Regarded as a man of many sterling qualities, Mr David Baird died suddenly at his Dublin Road, Banbridge, home on Wednesday, January 21.

He was the dearly loved husband of Margaret and loving father of Ruby, John and David.

Known to his friends as Davey, he was held in the highest esteem by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him and his cheery disposition will be remembered.

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He left school at the age of 14 and worked in his father’s shop until he was 17, at which stage he went to help on the farm looking after pigs for his Uncle Archie. It was here he discovered his love of farming and never went back to the shop.

Davey also enjoyed his social life, as did a young nurse from Banbridge Hospital called Margaret. The two met at socials in Scarva Street Hall and soon were a couple. Together they struck up a reputation as matchmakers, romantically pairing off several of their friends.

Shortly after this Davey and Margaret married, with a reception at the Ballyedmund Hotel. They began their life together with very little - just five cows.

Along with his love of sheep and cows Davey also had a passion for horses, and in this respect his sons followed in his footsteps.

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Davey was involved with the Iveagh Hunt for many years. He was also a Past Master of Brague LOL 427, where he served for 25 years and in the Black he was Master of RBP 402 for 11 years.

Somehow he also found time to be chairman of Loughbrickland branch of the Upper Bann Unionist Association, and not only cared deeply about the community, but also the church where he served on the committee for 40 years and was long-term convenor of the Graveyard committee. He often showed great kindness to bereaved family members in this role. Everything had to be done right under Davey’s care and he had a great knowledge of the graveyard.

Davey was a great family man, and adored his 12 grandchildren and they him.

In later years Margaret and Davey loved to travel all over the island of Ireland, particularly in the west. Davey had friends everywhere and loved a good chat.

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He will be missed at Loughbrickland Presbyterian Church, as it was a rare Sunday he wasn’t there.

The funeral took place from his home for a service in Loughbrickland Presbyterian Church, which was filled to capacity. The hymns ‘The Lord’s My Shepherd’ and ‘What a Friend we have in Jesus’ were sung. Mrs Ann McCullough presided at the organ and the services were conducted by the Rev Patricia McBride.