Logues return to Cookstown's Lanyon Hall to launch their new album

The Logues upcoming album launch in Lanyon Hall on Friday, April 29The Logues upcoming album launch in Lanyon Hall on Friday, April 29
The Logues upcoming album launch in Lanyon Hall on Friday, April 29
On the back of their debut gig in Mid-Ulster's newest live music venue, Lanyon Hall, The Logues have announced that they will be returning to Cookstown.

This time, the boys will be launching their brand new album, ‘Comin’ Of Age’, which will be taking place on the 29th April, and marks their tenth year together as band.

The new album flits between raucous folk-punk (Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder, Bless The Land), more traditional fare (Logan’s Lament), to the bluegrass tinged singer-songwriter style of Better Man and Drinkin’ With God; all displaying lyricist Logan McCool’s gift for a turn of phrase and the band’s now fully blossomed musicianship.

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