33rd annual Portrush walk in memory of Lynda Giffin

The Giffin familyThe Giffin family
The Giffin family
It will be a different Christmas for everyone this year but the Giffin family are still planning the perfect virtual event to help you burn off some of the festive indulgence whilst taking in the beautiful sights of the North Coast.

Normally participants meet at the Harbour Bar on December 27 for the Giffin’s annual walk and complete a six mile walk round Ramore head and along Whiterocks beach, returning the way they came.

This year supporters are encouraged to do this walk in their own time over the festive period and to make a donation online via Just Giving at www.justgiving.com/portrush-walk

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The Giffin family held their first walk 33 years ago following the death of their daughter Lynda to leukaemia, since then the walk has become part of the festive calendar for those on the north coast who use it as a good opportunity to catch up with old friends over the Christmas period.

Things will be a little different this year but the public’s support would mean so much to Giffin family and local charity Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI.

All proceeds from the walk have been donated to Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI, the only charity in Northern Ireland dedicated to blood cancer research. Last year the family’s donations reached the £200,000 milestone, a truly terrific achievement which has made a huge difference to patients suffering from blood cancer in Northern Ireland.

Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI aim to improve quality of life and survival rates for blood cancer patients by supporting clinicians, scientists and students researching these diseases in Northern Ireland.

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Joanne Badger from Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI said: “We rely solely on public donations so it’s events like this one which are absolutely crucial in helping us to continue this life-saving research right here in Northern Ireland. This restrictions in place this year have had a huge impact on our income so every donation really makes a big difference.”

Additional information is available on the facebook page – Portrush Walk for Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI, please share photos from the day with the virtual community there.